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Dennis Yarmouth Newcomers Club

Did you "wash up" on the shores of Dennis or Yarmouth in old Cape Cod?  Are you looking for a place to meet other "wash-a-shores" who may have interests like yours?  If so, the D/Y Newcomers Club will open new possibilities and local friendships.  We have monthly meetings and frequent Special Events as well as a significant number of Special Interest Groups, a sampling of which are listed below. 

Note that membership is open to ALL residents of Dennis and Yarmouth, even if you "washed ashore" many years ago.  So whether you're new to town or have been here for a long time, come join our group of newcomers and neighbors!

Our annual membership is only $20 per person per year.  You can access this website on all devices that have InterNet capability.  Become a member in this energetic and enjoyable group by clicking on "Join Now!" or renew your membership by clicking on “ Renew Membership “.  If you are a new member, you will receive an email with instructions on how to log in and set a password.  Then you are set to explore our website and see what is going on and how to participate.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming DYN Meetings and Events

DYN General Meeting

February 19, 2025

Line Dancing!

Doors open at 6:00 PM

Meeting begins at 7:00 PM

Yarmouth Senior Center

528 Forest Rd., Yarmouth, MA 02673

DYN Clothing will be available to purchase!

St. Patrick's Day Parade

March with DYN on 3/8/2025

Details and registration on the EVENTS page


For new and returning members, you can now see an overview of the www.DYNewcomers.us website by clicking on the link below or by clicking on the 'Webpage Overview' menu selection under 'Club News' above.

Webpage Overview

Special Interest Groups

Sign-ups for Special Interest Groups are available online for the 2024-2025 year.  Please go to the horizontal menu above and click Special Interest Groups. This will give you detailed information on each group. 

Biking                                Movies: Chick Flicks 

Craft Beer Tasting              Trail Walking

Bay to Sound Neighbors    Golfing

Kayaking (Pond Paddlers)  Wine Tasting   

Book Club--Women            Book Club--Men  


Also, please check the 'Community Forum' menu item by clicking below or by selecting the 'Club News' menu item above, to see or respond to items of interest that have been posted by other members.  Feel free to post your own item!

Community Forum

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